In this week’s round-up: ghetto house from Parris Mitchell, cutting-edge ballroom from Mike Q and library music from Kirk Degiorgio.


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Kirk Degiorgio explores the library. If you’ve never been exposed to the weird and wonderful world of library music, Kirk Degiorgio’s latest RBMA show is the ideal primer. Focusing on 1974 to 1985, there’s a selection of incredible sounds on offer.

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Radio Dogma #03. The Black Dog’s exploits in the world of radio continue with music from Robert Hood, New Order and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Now that’s what we call eclectic. Full info here.

DJ Zinc was still there. The retrospective mixes continue. Zinc explains: “by 1989 i’d left school and was working 9-5 then spending all my other time listening to pirates and buying music. i didn’t have enough money for turntables at this point so i used to chop up tracks using a crappy home hifi using the pause button. luckily nowadays i have turntables :D”

Mike Q shares the current sound of ballroom.

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“This Mix Is Just Sumtin I Whipped Up Real QUICK, Its Whats Recent In Ballroom And Ballroom Influenced Tracks That Actually Work In Ballroom.. Lots Of Qween Beat Material, Some New Dubs From Myself, Music Of Others That I Enjoy….”

Ballroom INFLUENCE by Mikeq on Mixcloud

Parris Mitchell’s tribute to Dance Mania. The ghetto house pioneer runs through some 90s house classics from DJ Deeon, Robert Armani, Lil Louis and his own back catalogue.

Plastician live at Jamz. A live recording of the Croydonite’s December 28th set at The Alibi, Dalston.

14th January, 2014

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