Time on your hands? You don’t have to be in retirement to enjoy this classic format. So get busy learning, playing and enjoying our new monthly crossword on Attack.

Crossword #1: House Music

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Our new monthly series is a homage to the crosswords found in The Guardian, New York Time & al. The traditional broadsheets have been making crosswords for decades. As regular players ourselves, we’re going to publish one a month and if there is sufficient interest, perhaps we can increase their frequency.

To kick things off, we have a crossword that is for the most part about house music. Users can expect each version to have a theme and we are very open to suggestions so please do get in touch. Next month’s theme is Acid House.

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Feel free to use the comments below to discuss answers. We will publish the full answers at some point before the next version is published.

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We hope you enjoy playing!

Author George Randolph
13th July, 2020

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