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Voyeur – I

Voyeur talk us through the making of their debut album, which includes collaborations with their mentor, Kerri Chandler.…

The Cargo Cult Slapper ST

Originally designed for the post-production market, Slapper has been recently updated to appeal to music makers. buy elavil online…

The Black 80s – Heart To Art

“It exemplifies the relationship between aspiring, struggling artists… It’s a dedication to the people who might be unfortunate enough…

Reboot – aLIVE

Frankfurt house mainstay Reboot talks us through the making of his new album, featuring a mixture of field recordings, drum…

Petar Dundov – At The Turn of Equilibrium

Petar Dundov breaks down the creation of his new full-length release.…

Slave To The Rhythm: 11 Essential Drum Techniques

Jonny Strinati walks through 11 essential drum techniques, from programming hi-hat patterns to compressing kicks.…

Mr G – Night On The Town?

Tech-house master Colin McBean’s new album comes just eight months after his last long-player. Attack editor Greg…

Essential Transition FX: Technique Masterclass

From simple noise sweeps to more complex combinations of synths and effects, we show how to create some of the…

Disclosure – Bang That

We deconstruct the arrangements of tracks to see what we can learn from their structure.…

Tessela – Hackney Parrot (Special Request VIP)

We deconstruct the arrangements of tracks to see what we can learn from their structure.…


Oliver Curry explains the theory of counterpoint, with help from JS Bach, Steve Reich, The Orb, Lorn and children’s…

Kirk Degiorgio

From Derrick May’s unique approach to mentoring through to his current obsession with modular synths, the British techno pioneer…

Automated Delay Effects

Bruce Aisher walks us through some of the most effective methods for automating delay effects into tracks.…

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